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How would you describe doodle art?

Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be composed of random and abstract lines, generally without ever lifting the drawing device from the paper, in which case it is usually called a "scribble".

What is the origin of doodle art?

Doodling has been around since the oldest cave paintings 40,000 years ago. Back in those days, prehistoric men made chicken-like etchings on cave walls to communicate and tell a story (or as some may argue, to perform rituals). Cavemen use stones and sticks to draw abstract patterns, human hands, and wild animals.

What is doodling psychology?

The mental state of doodling is between awareness and daydreaming, which makes it great for new, creative ideas. It relaxes you just enough that something in the back of your mind can come to fruition naturally.

What are good doodle art pencils?

Pencils can be useful to make a preliminary sketch of doodle that has been drawn by your imagination. I would recommend you to use a HB grade pencil since it has a light intensity, then you are no hassles when erasing. It is also useful in minimizing the paper damage effect that occurs when you use the eraser.

What is doodling art called?

Doodle Art, Doodling and all the rest….. If it doesn't belong to one of the other 4 doodling styles, then it's Doodle Art! Doodle Art is a catch-all name that is used to describe all doodling that doesn't fit into a specific 'form or style'.

How do you compare doodle and drawing?

So, what is the difference between doodling and drawing? Doodling is described as aimless. A doodle has no real purpose but to keep a person occupied. It doesn't need to depict anything.

Is doodle art an art?

Doodle art is underrated as an art form. It's a fun way of expressing yourself, but is also a brilliant way of experimenting and learning to draw. Doodles give a unique insight into your artistic style, conveying parts of your personality not shown through other mediums of art.